Replay Protocol

The Replay Protocol is useful for creating programmatic debugging sessions.

Replay Protocol

Replay Protocol

  • Authentication. The Authentication domain defines a command for authenticating the current user.

  • Console. The Console domain defines methods for accessing messages reported to the console.

  • CSS. The CSS domain is used to inspect the CSS state at particular execution points.

  • Debugger. The Debugger domain defines methods for accessing sources in the recording and navigating around the recording using breakpoints, stepping, and so forth.

  • DOM. The DOM domain is used to inspect the DOM at particular execution points.

  • Graphics. The Graphics domain defines methods for accessing a recording's graphics data.

  • Network. The Network domain is used to inspect the Network state at particular execution points.

  • Pause. The Pause domain is used to inspect the state of the program when it is paused at particular execution points.

  • Recording. The Recording domain defines methods for managing recordings.

  • Session. The Session domain defines methods for using recording sessions.

  • Target. The Target domain includes commands that are sent by the Record Replay Driver to the target application which it is attached to.

  • Internal. The Internal domain is for use in software that is used to create recordings and for internal/diagnostic use cases.

Protocol examples

import { createSession } from "./create-session";
import { RequestInfo, RequestEventInfo } from "@replayio/protocol";
function fetchNetworkResponseBody(recordingId: string) {
return createSession({ apiKey, recordingId }, async (client, { sessionId }) => {
const requests: RequestInfo[] = [];
const events: RequestEventInfo[] = [];
async function fetchRequests() {
client.addEventListener("Network.requests", resp => {
await client.sendCommand("Network.findRequests", {}, sessionId);
await fetchRequests();
Replay APIs